OUR PANEL OF TYPE AND LETTERING AFICIONADOS were upbeat and encouraged by the Custom Letters of 2010, which were featured last week here and here.
“Seems like the art of lettering is more alive than ever,” said Mark Simonson.
“The lettering craft is in good hands,” said Stephen Coles. “Very strong work on every page.”
We used the input of Simonson, Coles, and a handful of others to help pick the LetterCult Top 10—after the jump, along with the Top 10s from our contributors. (The Top 10s are not ranked 1-10.)
It was a fun exercise with subjective results. Thanks for taking a look.
Tonight, AlphaBattle (the No. 2)
Wednesday, an interview with our Person of the Year.
On the following pages, the Top 10 from Mark Simonson, Tiffany Wardle de Sousa, Stephen Coles, Grant Hutchinson, Alex Savakis, Hrant Papazian, Jonathan Selig, and beejay
These 11 pieces appeared on two or more of our Top 10s.
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oks 04.11.11 at 8:36 am
dammit, I want to reblog every. single. image.
Jolt 04.11.11 at 4:30 pm
Creative juice. Freshly squeezed.